Parnell Appointed Met Éireann Professor of Data Science for Climate & Weather
Climate+ is proud to announce that Professor Andrew Parnell, a leading researcher within our team, has taken up post as the Professor of Data Science for Climate and Weather at University College Dublin (UCD).

Climate+ is proud to announce that Professor Andrew Parnell, a leading researcher within our team, has taken up post as the Professor of Data Science for Climate and Weather at University College Dublin (UCD).
This new multi-million-euro initiative, funded by Met Éireann, represents a transformative investment in Ireland’s weather and climate research capabilities, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and data science to tackle pressing weather and climate challenges.
Professor Parnell remarked, “This exciting research programme will enable Ireland to improve its capabilities in climate and weather services, drawing on AI to predict and adapt to future extreme weather events, while supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement"
The Met Éireann Weather and Climate Research Professorship was established to link research with operational applications by concentrating on high-impact weather, flood forecasts, and improving our understanding of Ireland's climate.
Hosted jointly by the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics and the UCD Earth Institute, the new programme will foster interdisciplinary collaboration, drawing expertise from UCD’s School of Computer Science and Met Éireann’s Artificial Intelligence Transformation Team. This partnership is designed to ensure Ireland remains at the forefront of weather and climate science, with far-reaching benefits for public safety, environmental sustainability and economic resilience.
As a Principal Investigator and Deputy Director at Climate+, Professor Parnell brings a wealth of expertise in machine learning, statistical modelling, and climate systems. His appointment highlights the significant contributions of Climate+ researchers to addressing the critical issues of climate change, biodiversity loss and water degradation. It also reinforces the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration in achieving meaningful change.
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